We would love to hear from you.

To locate the Service Records of a Welsh Guardsman

Please note that since 1st October 2018 all Records of Service (including Officers) were transferred to the Ministry of Defence (National Archives) and Regimental Headquarters Welsh Guards will no longer be able to answer any queries about individuals who have served in the Regiment.

Please do not contact Regimental Headquarters Welsh Guards for this service but send your enquiry to Army Disclosures, Army Personnel Centre, Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX

or visit this Gov.uk link for details on obtaining copies of military service records.

The Funeral of a Welsh Guardsman

The Welsh Guards Charity cannot financially help with the cost of funerals, nor provide uniformed attendance at the funeral of a Veteran, but the Welsh Guards Association can provide advice on whether or not a bugler can be provided at public expense, publicise funeral details and encourage attendance by Welsh Guards Veterans and they can also loan you the Welsh Guards Coffin Pall, Forage Cap and Belt to adorn the coffin of your loved one.

For details and advice please contact the Welsh Guards Association Secretary General, Mr Maldwyn Jones by email, providing; the service number, full Christian names, Surname, age and date your loved one passed.  

For Help or Assistance

For help or assistance, please contact the Regimental Veterans Officer (RV0), Jiffy Myers MBE as detailed below.

If you would like to fundraise or have a fundraising idea, please contact the Regimental Adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Guy Bartle-Jones in Regimental Headquarters.

If you have any queries about Regimental History or the Regiment, contact the Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant by either e-mail or telephone as detailed below.

Get in touch

RVO Jiffy Myers MBE
Tel: 07456 985729
Email: welshguardsrvo@gmail.com 


Our address

RHQ Welsh Guards
Wellington Barracks
Birdcage Walk

Tel: 0300 151 4756

Email:  welshguardsrhq@gmail.com 

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