
The Battalion were put through their paces at an exercise in Germany recently in preparation for a deployment to Afghanistan next year where they will be protecting and supporting a NATO mission to develop the Afghan Armed Forces.

In addition to training on simulators for the type of vehicles they will be using during the deployment the Guardsmen were also tested to react to possible scenarios they may encounter when they deploy as the Kabul Protection Unit.

Lieutenant Colonel Dai Bevan, Commanding Officer of the Welsh Guards, said: “Working in Kabul is really complex and we want to be sure we ready and prepared to deploy. The things that a day in Kabul could throw at you are hugely varied from the relative benign to the really violent and you know really difficult to deal with. An exercise such as this is incredibly valuable.”

Guardsman Nathan Howells from South Wales joined the Welsh Guards nearly 3 years ago. “My dad was in the Welsh Guards for 24 years and my younger brother has joined up too. So I am following a family tradition. “The training is great and I feel ready to go,” says Nathan.

Read a full article and watch a video of our time in Germany here.