
The part at the ABP Newport Wales marathon took place Sunday 29 April 2018 and nearly 5000 miles away in Afghanistan, members of 1st Battalion Welsh Guards took same time – in very different conditions!

RunMembers of Battalion Headquarters, serving in the New Kabul Compound, decided to mix it up a bit by conducting a half-marathon on the running machines and then moving straight into another half-marathon, this time carrying a 35lb bergan.  Some conducted the entire 26.2 miles with bergans.

RunNumber Three Company, based in Camp Qargha, conducted a more traditional marathon but in soaring heat and at high altitude.

All runners did exceptional well and relished the challenge.

RunThis event will be followed later in the year by linking with the Cardiff Half Marathon and Swansea Half Marthon on 24 June and 7 October respectively. 

RunAll are a great opportunity and allow us, while on operations, to raise money for soldiers and their families who need our help. Plus this will give our Running Team a goal to train towards while away. The runs will take place either outside or on running machines and all will be recorded.

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