
In 2013 the Oratory School re-capbadged their Combined Cadet Force (CCF) to the Welsh Guards.

OratorySince then the Battalion has assisted the School on a number of occasions including support to inspections, weapon demonstrations and running a military activity day.   Recently a team of 4 from the Battalion helped with their biannual CCF inspection.


The aim was to show the equipment being used by the Battalion in Kabul on Op TORAL 6.  So the journey to Woodcote was completed in a Foxhound vehicle, with a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), Sharpshooter Rifle, pistols and full VIRTUS body armour taken for the cadets to try.

As a look forward to the Battalion’s return to State Ceremonial and Public Duties in 2019, Home Service Clothing (HSC) was also included.