
The Prince of Wales hosted a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the work of his Charities and Military Associations.

His Royal Highness, accompanied by The Duchess of Cornwall, met a number of the 6,000 people who were invited from 386 of his Patronages and 20 of his Military Associations.  A number of guests from the Police, Fire, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue, and RNLI also attended.  Full details can be found here.

Garden PartyWith His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales being Colonel of the Welsh Guards we were of course invited and members of the Battalion and their families attended along with several members of the Association who had received invitations direct from the Lord Chamberlains office.

Garden PartyThe venue was faultless, the weather superb and the sandwiches and cakes delicious.  Suffice to say everyone had a wonderful day which they will remember forever.

Garden Party