
This is the Battalion’s third tour of Afghanistan.


Last week those serving in Camp Qargha held a ceremony to remember all those who died whilst serving with the Welsh Guards on Op HERRICK 10 and 16.


Rest in Peace Forever:

28 Apr 09 - Lance Sergeant Tobie "Fas" Fasfous 

12 May 09 - Lieutenant Mark Evison

19 Jun 09 - Major Sean Birchall

1 Jul 09 - Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe MBE

5 Jul 09 - Lance Corporal Dane Elson

22 Jul 09 - Lance Corporal Christopher King COLDM GDS, att 1st Battalion Welsh Guards

12 May 12 - Lance Corporal Lee Thomas Davies

1 Jul 12 - Guardsman Craig Andrew Roderck

1 Jul 12 - Guardsman Apete Saunikalou Ratumaiyale Tuisovurua