Here you can read about our latest events and what the Charity has been up to.

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Pen y Fan
25/09/2017 | anna

On a bleak but surprisingly dry Friday morning, a mere 4 days after 3 weeks of summer leave, Number...

Keeping the Army in the Public Eye (KAPE) Tour of Wales
25/09/2017 |

Recruitment is main effort activity for the Battalion, Household Division and the wider Army...

Ironman Wales
10/09/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by WO2 (CSM) D Lewis 29 Company Sergeant Major Number Three Company 1 st Battalion Welsh Guards On...

The UEFA Champions League Final 2017
03/06/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Colour Sergeant M Jefferies Company Quartermaster Sergeant Number Two Company Every 2 years...

Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) Open Evening
09/05/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Lieutenant C W A Ross Officer Commanding Number One Platoon The Prince of Wales’s Company On 9...

08/05/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Captain J W B Webster Regimental Signals Officer 1 st Battalion Welsh Guards On 8 May six members...

Exercise MAYAN WARRIOR Short Term Training Teams
03/05/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

By Lieutenant T S Minihan Officer Commanding Number Four Platoon Number Two Company 1 st Battalion...

Exercise WESSEX STORM 17/1
01/01/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Lieutenant M R C McNeill Love The Prince of Wales’s Company, 1st Battalion Welsh Guards By the...

Feltham Young Offenders’ Institute Meets the Welsh Guards
15/12/2016 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Priscilla Turner Freeman of the Drapers’ Company with Colour Sergeant J J McEvoy 1 st Battalion...

The Regimental Walking Stick - ‘The Hawthorn’
01/09/2016 | AsstRegtlAdjt

by Major D W Pridmore 1 st Battalion Welsh Guards In September 2016 the author suggested to the...