Here you can read about our latest events and what the Charity has been up to.

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1WG Families Day - Saturday 13th July 2019
15/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Saturday 13th July saw the WG Charity sponsored Battalion Families fun day in Elizabeth Barracks...

New Arrivals to 1WG
01/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

June 2019 saw the arrival of 7 new Welsh Guardsmen into the Battalion. On Friday 21st June, number...

1WG in Sennybridge
25/06/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Having put away their bearskins and tunics temporarily to make the most of the long days and get...

1WG - Presentations
25/06/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

On 23rd June 2019, during a lull in the Battalion training at Sennybridge and as the Battalion...

DDay 75 National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth
07/06/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

1st Battalion Welsh Guards at the forefront of the national commemorative events to mark the 75th...

Welsh Guards onboard (HMS St Albans)
25/05/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Welsh Guardsmen recently hitched a lift to Anglesey, North Wales on HMS St Albans ready for Armed...

Congratulations - WO1 (RSM) M Parry
05/05/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Warrant Officer Class 1 (Regimental Sergeant Major) Michael Parry, Regimental Sergeant Major 1st...

Marathon Des Sables (MDS) 2019 - Completed
18/04/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Captain Joe Dinwiddie has just completed the 2019 Marathon Des Sables, and obviously there is no one...

Welsh Guards Boxing Night
12/04/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Thursday 11th April 2019 saw the Welsh Guards Boxing night take place and for the first time it was...

Myddelton College Cadet Force cap-badged Welsh Guards
29/03/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

This week the Welsh Guards have had the honour of performing a Cap Badging Ceremony at Myddelton...