

WO2 (DSgt) D P Cope

Drill Sergeant 1st Battalion Welsh Guards

On 21 October 2017, 4 hardy members of the Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess took on the challenge of the Chepstow Stampede.

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The 10km course is designed to introduce the novice to the physical demands of cross country running, whilst also challenging the toughest elite runners. It includes manmade horse hurdles and maximises the natural obstacles of the stunning surrounding landscape, including ditches and mud pits.

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The runners were WO2 (DSgt) Cope, WO2 (CSM) Jefferies, WO2 (CSM) Lewis 29 and CSgt Evans 31. They were supported by members of the Recruiting Team, including WO2 Davies 96 (Recruiting Warrant Officer) and LSgt Dwyer and LCpl Lewis 39 who were invited to provide the pre-race warm up for all runners!

The Seniors mastered the course and emerged as the winning team.
