Here you can read about our latest events and what the Charity has been up to.

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US Commendations for Welsh Guardsmen
25/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

24th October 2018 and two members of Number Three Company 1st Battalion Welsh Guards have been...

2018 Vigilance Dashain Dash
21/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

On 18th October the Welsh Guards running team took part in the 2018 Vigilance Dashain Dash, a 10k...

Supporting the Sam Warburton OBE Charity Event - 17th October
21/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

17th October saw the Regimental Support Team (RST) North, supported by members of the Battalion...

A Fund Raising Thank you
11/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards charity would really like to thank all our wonderful fund raisers who consistently...

Running the Cardiff Half Marathon In Afghanistan
10/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

On Sunday 7th October over 50 members of the Battalion took on the Cardiff Half Marathon in...

National Muslim Service of Commemoration
10/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

On Saturday 6th October members of the Rear Operations Group (ROG) attended the National Muslim...

Welcome to 1WG
07/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Welcome to 1WG Guardsman Evans 10 and Guardsman Trematick. Friday 5th October saw 26 Platoon defy...

Auction Prize - A Day with the Welsh Guards
06/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards are proud to be involved in the Sam Warburton OBE testimonial year. In support of...

Guildford Borough Council Armed Forces Memorial
02/10/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

On Sunday 30 September 2018, Guildford Borough Council held a service and dedication for a new...

A Fundraising Thank You
30/09/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

A Fundraising thank you to Steve Wannell and his wonderful family, friends and supporters who have...