Here you can read about our latest events and what the Charity has been up to.

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1WG Prepares to deploy to Afghanistan
23/01/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

THE Welsh Guards continue to prepare for their deployment to Afghanistan this year with a training...

QE Olympic Park Chase the Moon 10k (10 Jan 18) - Results
21/01/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

CSM Jefferies, RSWO Hughes & RQMS (T) Griffiths recently completed the Chase The Moon 10km at the...

Gdsm Davies 14 - Representative Football
12/01/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Congratulations to the latest Battalion sporting superstar! After only joining the Welsh Guards in...

Welsh Guards Ski Team
11/01/2018 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Racing has recommenced for the Welsh Guards Ski Team who are enjoying their last week of skiing with...

30/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards Ski Race team trained on Ex FROSTED BLADE 33 Infantry Alpine Skiing. 3 Guardsmen...

30/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Ex PACIFIC LONGBOW is an Army Adventurous Sail Training Exercise taking place from 20 Sep 17 – 20...

Welsh Guards support to Dreams & Wishes
21/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards have been supporting the charity Dreams & Wishes for over 20 years. This year has...

2017 Christmas in a Day
19/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Christmas in a Day 2017 by M ajor E S Mathieson Second in Command 1 st Battalion Welsh Guards...

Forces News - Welsh Guards prepare for Kabul
19/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Battalion were put through their paces at an exercise in Germany recently in preparation for a...

Visit of Commander of British Forces & Kabul Security Force Designate
02/12/2017 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Brigadier Humphrey, as Commander of British Forces & Kabul Security Force Designate, visited the...