Here you can read about our latest events and what the Charity has been up to.

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The Leek - Past Editions
25/08/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

In the past, whenever the Battalion has been on an operational tour (and sometimes on an overseas...

Welsh Guards Band - Director of Music
23/08/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards Band has a new Director of Music and welcomes Major Stewart Halliday MA LRSM ALCM...

16/08/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Mr Alan Parry-Booth (22326094) who served in 1WG in the 1950's has produced, at his own personal...

Welcome to 1WG
11/08/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Friday 2nd August 2019 saw Number 17 Platoon, Guards Company Infantry Training Centre (ITC)...

The Commanders Coin
27/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Lance Corporals Lewis and Oxtoby have been supporting the Royal Welsh Show all week, not only...

1WG Moves to Windsor
26/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Thursday 25th July 2019 marked a significant event in the Regiments history as the Welsh Guards flag...

Montgomeryshire , Shropshire & Midlands Branch Summer Luncheon 2019
15/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Montgomeryshire , Shropshire & Midlands Branch of the Welsh Guards Association held their Summer...

1WG Families Day - Saturday 13th July 2019
15/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

Saturday 13th July saw the WG Charity sponsored Battalion Families fun day in Elizabeth Barracks...

100th Birthday John Henry (Jack) Perks
06/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

The Welsh Guards were delighted to be able to be part of the 100th Birthday celebrations of former...

New Arrivals to 1WG
01/07/2019 | AsstRegtlAdjt

June 2019 saw the arrival of 7 new Welsh Guardsmen into the Battalion. On Friday 21st June, number...